A review by heatherhy01
Summoner by S.D. Grimm


I have been on the lookout for a great paranormal read that would suck me in and not let me go. I have found that in this book!

The story intrigued me and it was so unique to the genre that I couldn't help but be mesmerized by it. I adored the characters and all of their flaws and loved what the author did with the male character in particular. And how he was introduced with the special part he played in the story line.

This book is one part paranormal, one part mystery and a lot of parts romance. It is the perfect mix of YA romance, nothing too racy but innocent and sweet. Perfect for a younger YA reader!

The ending was perfect but I was not ready to let these characters go! I can only hope that this might be the making of a series...one that I would definitely continue with as I feel that these characters were just getting started in their journey.