A review by jamietherebelliousreader
Devil's Cut by J.R. Ward


5 stars. Best book in the trilogy, hands down. This ended exactly how I wanted it to and then some. It was pretty much perfect.

Thinking about how this series started out to how it ends is like night and day for me. While I did thoroughly enjoy The Bourbon Kings it was incredibly cheesy and over the top so I was prepared for the rest of the series to continue on that way. Boy, was I ever wrong. It gets a lot deeper than that. So much deeper.

This book picks up right where the second book ends with that blockbuster cliffhanger and I was instantly hooked. I thought the beginning to the first two books were a bit slow paced but this one definitely didn’t have that problem for me. I absolutely flew through this and I could not put it down. I needed to know how everything was going to wrap up and I couldn’t pace myself.

The characters all go through such wonderful development especially Gin and I’m just so happy how everything wrapped up for everyone. I can’t even say anything really because I don’t want to give anything away but the ending is great.

I definitely recommend this series if you love a good drama filled read. Also, because it’s J.R. Ward and she is my new Queen. I still have my fingers crossed that this series gets adapted into a television series or something, it'd be perfect.