A review by laurarmz
Stories of Your Life and Others by Ted Chiang


Mind blowing. This is the just the kind of sci-fi I like to read.

A summary for me to remember every one of the wonderful short stories:

Tower of Babylon: workers go up the seemingly endless tower, only to find out it’s a cylinder (seal cylinder because it’s a contract sealed to end where it starts lol).

Understand: mind upgrades happen(the whole thing about speaking in computer and inventing a language was awesome), and someone more advanced beats him.

Division by zero: maths could be a lie (theoretically).

The story of your life and others: wow, mind blowing, perfect, interesting. I love linguistics and wibbly wobbly time stuff.

Seventy-two letters: maybe there’s a limit to the generations of humans and reproductive stuff through names.

The evolution of human science: humans vs metahumans (cultural divide?).

Hell is the absence of God: so many religious questions but it’s so good… except for the devotion thing. God can be random, if you want to vine it on him.

Liking what you see: a documentary: so many equations about beauty, pretty privilege and how technology is being used (shouldn’t be to shorten the scope of our experiences, but to help us avoid misusing them).