A review by cody8801
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo


I finished this book over two months ago and let me tell you I have not had it out of my head since. All of the hype about this book is true; my skin is cleared, my crops are flourishing, my life is in order. If I could, I would give it 6/5 stars, in fact, I'd give it like 10/5 stars. Most of this review will be spoiler free, but I'll put a little warning before I start talking about the spoiler-ing stuff, in case, like me, you've been living under a rock for the past two years and somehow are only just picking up this book!
The plot was so intricate and intricate and constantly kept me hooked. I'm more of a character person if a book has a mediocre plot but amazing characters ill still love it. THIS BOOK! Hit all of my plot needs. Do you want assassins, thieves, and criminals? Do you want snarky teenagers? Do you want angst? Do you want a corrupt government? It's all here (seriously man just read it).

Ok, I could talk honestly forever about the characters, and I probably will in the spoilers, but I'll list the best parts of each character. Kaz Brekker- ruthless; walks with a cool as shit cane; badass; he won't hesitate bitch; tragic backstory; edgy teen; overall gorgeous; has some shit he needs to deal with. Inej Ghafa- can and will kill you even though she prays to her saints every day; beautiful; just had the worst life so far, she just needs a break; really likes knives; has some shit she needs to deal with. Jesper Fahey- Hot as hell and knows it; manages to pull off ridiculous outfits; likes guns more than his family; has some shit he needs to deal with. Wylan Van Eck- likes chemistry, for some reason??? Who even understands chemistry?; blushes non-stop, cannot stay calm; is also really damn pretty; has some shit he needs to deal with. Nina Zenik- absolutely phenomenal gal; likes food so much its relatable; gorgeous; magic lady, can and will use it to kill you; did I mention she's gorgeous; has some shit she needs to deal with; also she's just so beautiful. Matthias Helvar- the one weak bitch in the group not down with crime; hot in a weird way; the weird kid in school who was obsessed with wolves; cares about trees; has some shit he needs to deal with (are we noticing a theme here?)

In the immortal words of Cindy (readwithcindy her booktube is the best) 'Six of crows, more like six of hoes because I literally wanna sleep with every single one of them'.

The world is amazing. It's set in a nasty, nasty city that reminds me of my hometown. We're talking dingy canals, disgusting back alleys, casinos, and questionable shops everywhere, somehow has a good tourist population? Lots of gangs (but that's what makes it so great) and just so corrupt it's a miracle it hasn't crumbled. Then there's the contrast of the surrounding cities and countries.

The last thing is how incredible the diversity is. There are main characters who are; plus-sized (and not shamed for it once and still seen as one of the most beautiful people), physically disabled, have learning disabilities, are bi bi bi baby, are gay, are people of colour, and probably more, but its all so amazing, read it.

Anyway, if you couldn't tell from the babble of love I just spewed out, I love this book, I will die for it and every character in it. So just read it if you haven't already.

* SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS * Ok, time to incoherently (more than the previous few paragraphs) talk about how much I love this book.


First of all, my favourite exchange in this book is when we first meet Nina and shes scoffing cake like there's no tomorrow (mood) and Kaz goes "you have crumbs in your cleavage" and she goes "don't care, so hungry." I just loved it, it was amazing. Anyway, let's talk about the dregs. I love this crew so much, like, yes I know they're criminals and every single one of them would kill me without hesitation, but will that stop me loving them? absolutely not?

The ice court. The ice court. honestly, I've finished the entire duology and I'm still trying to process all the shit that went down there. Ok, first of all, Jesper being a Grisha was the biggest plot twist of the entire book, I should have seen it coming but it just hit me right in the face. I loved the whole plan, it was so flawless and seamless, even when things did go wrong. oh wait, I just remembered the scene in the van where Kaz fainted- easily the saddest scene in the book for me. Sorry, back on track, Nina and Kaz fighting their way to the incinerator, just chopping down guards left and right as Inej crawled like a creepy ass spider up those burning walls. That was one of the most intense scenes, it was so sad how she kept wanting to give up and oh look I'm crying. Anyway, Matthias betraying Nina, I saw coming. you know what I didn't see coming? MATTHIAS NOT BETRAYING NINA. it surprised me so much and I loved him after he saved her, omg my heart. finally, the scene where Kaz just blew up that tree with no fucks given, iconic. The way he nearly drowned for the second time in his life (Bardugo just wants us in pain ok) was terrifying. The Tank scene was amazing, just Kaz and his unrestrained smile as he saw his crew all coming back. Aw and how they thought they were free, only to be surrounded by guards, literally cracked my heart in two. and Nina sacrificing herself, double heartbreak, why are we sacrificing the hot one (I'm just kidding they're literally all gorgeous). And Inej's kidnap (i don't even want to talk about it, I will break down)??? Wylan being mocked by his father- I could have killed that bitch then and there.

Ok, finally we're going to talk about the one beautiful thing that I got from this book. The beautiful romance and flirtation that is Wesper. Jesper is the king of flirting and Wylan not knowing how to react and just turning red, I loved it was all it was so cute, my new OTP. We're not talking about Kanej right now though, too many feelings still.

If you made it here, I'm sorry? honestly, I don't even know what this was.