A review by cosymilko
Torment by Lauren Kate


I liked this book. I didn't love this book. Again Kate seemed to go through the typical motions of a sequel and mixed the characters together. Luce was incredibly dumb in this one. Perhaps the peroxide damaged her brain? I don't know.

The connections that were made could have been made much earlier. The climax of the book at Thanksgiving was great however, why would any girl want to be with Mr. No Information Giving Just Protecting You. Doesn't it sound a bit too Edward Cullen for your liking? It did for me. Sigh. I want a good strong woman who can overcome her not-so-supernaturalness without turning into a bitch as Shelby was portrayed.

The ending with the Outcasts showing up, Miles using his powers, (anything Miles, really. Let's face it) and the combination of "good" and "evil" fallen on one side. I loved it. I could read about all the different types of wings and their descriptions all day but that's not what the book is about.

I'm still keen for the next one, however, I won't be counting down the days with bated breath.