A review by ksuppes
The Plot to Kill Hitler: Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Spy, Unlikely Hero by Patricia McCormick


Germany is in a dark time after WWI ends. They are in debt, the blame of the war was placed on them, and the country was left in shambles. When Adolf Hitler comes along and starts talking about creating a strong country, the people jump for joy. What they don't know are all of the terrible things that have to be done to bring forth this "strong country". A pastor, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and his brothers decide that Hitler needs to be stopped, and will do whatever it takes to stop him. The thrilling novel by Patricia McCormick follows Bonhoeffer's life as he struggles between good and evil and tries to stop Hitler.

This book was very interesting. I learned more than I expected and it actually inspired me to read more historical books. McCormick does a good job giving background on Bonhoeffer and letting the reader know about his life, but she could have gone into more detail about the actual plots to kill Hitler. Maybe she didn't have the information, but I expected to learn more about the actual plots. I found the book an interesting read and really did learn a lot about WWII from Germany's perspective. My only critique is that it needs more detail regarding the actual plots to kill Hitler.