A review by mandeyreads
The Fine Print by Lauren Asher


I’d give this one ⭐️⭐️⭐️stars. The writing just was there for me. I really liked the characters and the plot was good, it’s just that the writing was really distracting. I did appreciate the banter between Zahra and Rowan, teasing/meanness of it.

One big hang-up: the dialogue.
There was so much telling instead of showing. The dialogue didn’t seem natural through many parts of the book. Zahra’s bubbly personality translated to dialogue that had way too many exclamation marks. Often Rowan would give a piece of information that, using context clues, the reader would understand. However, immediately after his admission, Zarah would say “why?” or ask questions that had obvious answers. There were a few times when “yay!” was yelled by numerous characters at once that actually made me cringe.

I get the author was trying to point out what a bubbly person Zahra is but the fact that she was laughing or giggling constantly at things that weren’t really funny was actually kind of weird. Like, if i knew someone like her in real life I’d be a little creeped out.
