A review by gbdill
The Sign by Raymond Khoury


The premise of this novel intrigued me so I bought the book with the understanding it was going to be a great adventure and a scientific thriller complete with intrigue and plenty of twists and turns. As I began to read the book I noticed a distinct negative bias towards religious faith, namely that of Christianity. As a Christian, I am deeply aware of the many misgivings people have towards Christians and the Christian faith particularly in America. Understandably so. However, were not perfect people, in fact, were imperfect humans trying to understand a perfect God. We don't pretend to know it all or have it all right. Because we don't. But, please. Rather than write an entire novel denigrating Christians, their families, and everything that we embrace, why not just come out and tell it like it is? Why sugar coat it in the form of a novel?

I read the Author's Notes at the back of the book and realized unequivocally that this author has something against Christianity in particular. Of all the faiths in the world, along with their misgivings, Khoury clearly chose Christianity as his target. And this is reflected in his story. I for one am one of those Christians who is for the complete separation of church and state, for a variety of reasons. But, Khoury is clearly for this separation as well, because he hates Christianity. It is evident in his writings and it is evident in his notes. He regurgitates all the negatives of Christian history, including the Crusades and on and on he goes. We get it. Khoury you don't like Christianity in America and you really hate it when it pervades American politics. Somehow, other faith's involvement in American politics is curiously missing from his rhetoric.

Perhaps were all guilty of integrating faith and politics at some point in our lives. Christians do it in the name of morality. Humanists do it in the name of secularism. Because of the obvious rhetoric emanating from this author, and because I am a Christian offended by the negative bias, this book is worthy of less than a single star. Sorry Khoury. I hope and pray that you will someday see the true Light of Jesus Christ and see Him for what He is, the true Son of God who loves us and has forgiven us all, including us Christians who are unmistakably imperfect. Rather than looking to imperfect people, look to a perfect and holy God. Peace.