A review by gypsystar
Noël à la librairie des coeurs brisés by Annie Darling


I didn’t like this at all. The h, Mattie, was fine. She was likable enough but not amazing or anything. The H was garbage though. He was annoying. There was a whole but about him writing his thesis on romance novels and alpha heroes. He has a mentor/ex insult him about not being alpha so he goes around wooing women and getting their numbers etc. the thing is he IS NOT alpha at all, he’s one of the most beta heroes I’ve come across. Meh.

There’s one point when he’s habitually being a inconsiderate thoughtless jerk and when she finally snaps her so called friends and co- workers chastise her for being mean to him. Talk about gaslighting. I only finished listening because I was in the middle of wrapping presents and couldn’t be hassled to find another audiobook.

This was not good.