A review by trrm
That Night by Chevy Stevens


What an amazing story! This was my first Chevy Stevens book (I've read Those Girls after) and it is my favorite by her so far. What a heartbreaking and devastating story! Here's a little info about the story. Toni is the elder sister who is rebellious, doesn't get along with her mother, but is madly in love with her boyfriend Ryan. They are making plans to move far away from their small town until the night when Toni's 16 year old sister Nicole was murdered after they left her in the parked car in the woods while they went somewhere to fool around. By the time they returned, Nicole was found in the water already dead. Toni and Ryan get charged with her murder and are put in prison but were released and due to their lifetime parole, were not allowed to contact each other. Toni is just trying to start over and move on with her life but Ryan has other plans, he's out to prove their innocence and he's going to do it with or without Toni's help.

****** HERE COME THE SPOILERS!! ******

What I loved about this story is how you have no idea who really did it until the very end. You have suspicions and you may even get REALLT close to guessing who it is but I really was not expecting that ending!

Nicole became friends with Toni's mortal enemy Shauna who she used to be best friends with but Shauna was an awful, mean girl. She would torment Toni constantly and she used Nicole to get to her. What Shauna wasn't expecting was that Nicole would end up having a relationship with her father who was a police officer and pretty much helped to put Toni and Ryan away when he knew it wasn't them that killed Nicole. Shauna found out about her father's relationship with Nicole and in a fit of rage (they were only supposed to embarrass/scare her) bludgeoned Nicole to death as revenge for having relations with her father. The story's twists and turns had me to the very end.

My heart broke for Toni who's mother was never kind to her. Once her name was cleared she thought maybe they could start over but her mother still blamed her for Nicole's death and said she could never forgive her. Her father on the other hand, missed and loved Toni. He didn't care about what he mother said and said he would love to start over with her. While I was sad that her mother was still such a hateful monster, it made me happy that she at least got her father back.