A review by bookswithjenb
The Predator's Daughter: One Child's Search for Virtue and Acceptance by Vanessa Day


This story broke my heart into a million pieces!

The author shares her firsthand account of a very traumatic point in her life which she experienced as a very young girl. She tells this story from the viewpoint of a child at that age which really hits you in your soul. There were so many times throughout the book where I wish I could reach out and help her or protect her in some way. Though this story touches on some very difficult and uncomfortable topics, I think it is a very important story to share in hopes of opening the eyes of more people in a child’s life no matter how small of a role they may play. So many people failed this little girl in so many ways. I admire the strength and courage it must have taken for the author to share her story and I would absolutely recommend this book to everyone!