A review by eesh25
Cross My Heart by L.H. Cosway


If you're familiar with the Hearts series, then you probably know of the Cross brothers. Liam is the youngest brother and he's now a police constable.

Iris works at his brother's restaurant and mostly keeps to herself. She doesn't have a home and is trying to save money to rent. She's learnt to depend only on herself and not to trust people. So when Liam starts poking around in her business, she's understandably unnerved. And then the story goes on about her learning to accept help and to trust people.

Now I know I've botched the description (probably should've just gone with the GR one) but this is all you're getting. So you'll have to deal with it. I'll try to do a better job with the review because I really liked this novella.

The story of Liam Cross and Iris was simple. There were no big, life-altering events and no heist. Just a lonely girl and a boy who wanted to help. Sure one person was homeless and talked to the "ghost" of Bowie for companionship and the other was a criminal turned cop, but that's not important. The story wasn't about that. It was about two people connecting, and it was very cute.

I loved both Liam and Iris. She had a quirky personality and was surprisingly optimistic for someone in whose life things often didn't work out. She was strong and resilient and open to taking risks. Liam was a great and sweet guy who genuinely wanted to help people. Their story was short and free of angst or drama. This was honestly such a feel-good read. I really enjoyed it.

For flaws, the one that comes to mind is that there was some things in the novella that didn't need to be there. They weren't bad things and I didn't mind them so this isn't strictly a flaw; I simply feel that the book would have been complete without them as well. Like Valerie or the second half of chapter 8 (I won't tell what that is because I'm afraid it might be considered a spoiler).

Still, I highly recommend checking this novella, along with other books in the series, especially [b:King of Hearts|25024415|King of Hearts (Hearts, #3)|L.H. Cosway|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1426779316s/25024415.jpg|44698747]

Six of Hearts
Hearts of Fire
King of Hearts
Hearts of Blue
Thief if Hearts