A review by kell_x
Until We Trust by Lilly Henderson


What a sweet and emotional read (with a mix of spicyness as well)!
Tessa is a introvert and kind of insecure girl that had to grow up really fast when her parents died and she had to take care of her little brother. Since then, she always put his needs first and sometimes forgot how to live a little for herself. 
Paul is a teacher and has the most sweet and special dog, and after an cute meet cute is hooked on Tessa. They beging their relationship and we can tell that Paul falls first and probably harder too!
Paul was such an adorable character! We was so sweet, caring, understanding, protective, lovable. He always thought about tessa's needs, even whe she didn't and showed her that what she felt and felt mattered too!
We all need a Paul in our lives!
Loved to reconnect with the previous characters, and to ignite the little flame about the new ones (Jack and Emma).. I can't wait for their story!