A review by shai3d
The Morrigna by Rachel Rawlings


I really enjoyed reading THE MORRIGNA finding it to be a book that I just didn't want to put aside even to sleep. I am really glad that I started reading it on a Saturday night. Ms. Rawlings did a really great job on the character of Maurin making her someone easy to relate with. She is a strong woman in some ways but boy does she have her insecurities. I also found the secondary characters to be rather interesting and they really helped to both flesh out the story and to add comedic relief where needed. There is one thing however...I would have really preferred to have Maurin's love interest fleshed out much more then he was.

This book is set in an interesting world and I would love to see more books in this series. Though I have to admit that after taking on an ancient Celtic Goddess of War, I am really not sure what would top that. Guess that I will have to wait and see.

I rate this book a 3.8 and recommend it to lovers of Urban Fantasy and Paranormal Romances especially as this book seems to be a blend of both.

*I received this book at no charge from Red Hot Readers. All opinions expressed are my own.