A review by karreaderwriter
See All the Stars by Kit Frick


Kit Frick’s debut novel tells the story of four high school friends that get torn apart by secrets.

Best Friends to best friend breakup.

To the MC, Ellory one girl stands out. Ret is the do anything, break you out of your boundaries type of girl. I know I had that friend in high school. The one I broke the rules with.

Right from the start, “Ret’s world was my world, her friends my friends. Everything Ret touched felt electric, exciting, a little dangerous. Including me. Before Ret, I was basically invisible. With Ret, I was somebody.”

“Two roads diverged in the wood, and I - I took the one with Ret.”

Chapters alternate to before (junior year) where we learn about the highs and lows of their friendship and the extreme influence of one girl. And now (senior year) where Ellory has returned to school a much different person than before. It’s a mystery to the reader what broke their relationship, but tensions are high and you know it was something big!

A terrible incident changes everyone’s life forever. And Ellory has to live with the outcome and try to forgive all involved including herself.

Kit’s detailed writing made me invested in the outcome. I didn’t like this book as much as I Killed Zoe Spanos, but I will definitely read any book she writes.