A review by inspiretruth
Inside Animal Hearts and Minds: Bears That Count, Goats That Surf, and Other True Stories of Animal Intelligence and Emotion by Belinda Recio


Are we the only intelligible life in the universe? We are not…

In her book, Inside Animal Hearts and Minds, Belinda Recio explores the incredible scientific findings of animal intelligence. From dung beetles who take a photograph of the sky to navigate to breaking the code of prairie dogs sounds, this incredible book defies what we thought we knew about animals and opens the door to a new understanding that shifts how we look at God’s fabulous creatures. Of course, written from an evolutionary standpoint, I disagreed with the number of years or the belief that we evolved from apes; however, putting that aside, Belinda Recio fabulously revealed the secrets of the animal kingdom that humans are currently studying and beginning to understand. While we have seen animals do amazing things, they don’t begin to cover the truth of animal intelligence. If you love biology and learning unique facts about your favorite critters, Inside Animal Hearts and Minds is the book for you!

*Thank you, NetGalley and the publisher, for providing this pre-release copy. All thoughts and opinions are entirely my own!* `