A review by sandeeisreading
Tears of Tess by Pepper Winters


Three little words.
If anyone asked me what terrified me, stole my breath and made my life flicker before my eyes, I would say three little words.
I was sold.


Oh Geezly Wizz!
What the hell was that??!

That was insane!
I haven't read anything like it.
I was a virgin to those kinds of reads and I was so happy I tried it.


Tess Snow.
She was kidnapped.

Tess and her boyfriend Brax went to Mexico. Brax wanted to surprise Tess. But what they didn't expect was the danger that was lurking the streets of Mexico.

She was sold.

She was sold to the mysterious Q.

Who was he?
He was her master.
He likes to see Tess in pain.
He likes to see Tess bleed.
He was a monster.
Her monster.

But the weird thing was... She likes it.


Hmmm.. When I saw the term New Adult Dark Contemporary Romance, I wasn't really sure what I was going to expect.
This was a first for me.
I am not sure if it was similar to the very popular Fifty Shades of Grey (that I haven't read yet and I am not sure if I have any plans to) but still I decided it was time to try it at least once.



So Tess wanted more from her boyfriend, Brax. She wanted to be dominated. She wanted it to be a little rough. What she didn't know what that she was going to get what she asked for but from a different guy.

I liked Tess. She was strong. She was determined. When she was in the hands of her captors she never gave up the will to be free. A lot of things happened to her but she remained unbroken. Even when her parents didn't want her, she remained intact. She was that strong. She wasn't the whimpy kind of character who's done nothing but feel bad for herself because no one wants them or anything. Those type of characters were getting old.

There were times when I didn't really like her because she was a bit stubborn and also a little bit inconsistent at times but the positive always overcame the negative when it comes to her. Which I guess was a good thing.


So. I think I had more to tell about Q than Tess actually because he is one, if not the most, complex character I have ever read about. I am a bit torn between liking him and not liking him.

Usually, I love damaged heroes. I love them because eventually they find some way to redeem themselves. With Q... He was damaged, yes. He was twisted. He was broken. And I love all of those. He considered himself a monster. My thoughts were asking why??? Why would he say that? And why was he like that? Why? Why? Why? He always makes me ask a lot more questions that I should be. In the end, I guess everything made a lot sense as to why he was like that. Why he wasn't as confident as what he appears to be. I understood why behind all that facade, there was a scared man who was afraid to give in to what he really wants.

Tess + Q = Control Me. Love Me.

Oh wow.
Where will I even start about this two.
It was very... Kinky.

It was like nothing I have read before.
It must be my fault though because I usually stay clear from books which have a more mature sexual content but I did not regret it at all.
The chemistry between Tess and Q were there all the time even when they push each other way. Even when Tess pretends she doesn't want Q and vice vesa.

Q was sadistic. He likes to cause pain. He likes seeing pain. He gets turned on by it.
Tess wanted it. She was asking for it from her boyfriend who sadly was a softie. He couldn't give her what she was looking for.
But Q was able to.


This was an absolutely good read.
It would be memorable.
For a newbie to the world of dark erotica, i thought it was pretty good. I was glad I read this first before I read the famous 50 shades of grey. I have a friends who said this was way better than that.
The scenes and the pacing of the book was A+ for me.

Your touch consumes me, frightens me, beguiles me
you want to capture me
I want to be your victim
you want to ruin me
I want to be your broken
you show me your darkness
and I’ll give you my light

I couldn't believe how at some point, Q could be really swoon-worthy. I usually don't go for a man who takes pleasure in seeing a woman in pain. That is just not for me but really... Q is really irresistable. When you read about him, you'll find out why. LOL.

I honestly didn't expect what happened towards the end. I absolutely have no idea that was going to happen. I usually am good at telling what would happen next but with this book, I didn't get anything right. LOL. Embarrasing, I know!! :p

Anyways, for those who loves BDSM, dark erotica or the sort, I would higly recommend this one! :)
Not only was it well written, the pace was perfect and the characters were just amazing!!