A review by honeybee13
Hyde by T.L. Brown


Excellent story! I highly recommend it. This review was written to express my feelings about what happened in the book for people who read the book. Do not read this review until after you’ve read the book.

For most of the book I was very confused as to what was going on, which looking back, was brilliant because Hanna was confused as well; you really felt what the character was going through. In the end, most things are explained. It leaves you wondering about Henry—what is he? He’s going to be in the next book so maybe some more light is shed about his characteristics. I still don’t completely understand what Aleksander’s was. Why did he have the powers that he did? What were the bounds of the curse? I can’t put my finger on it, but I’m left somewhat unsatisfied with understanding his character.

I didn’t like Hanna’s monster aspect and thought it was convenient that a cure was found to suppress the monster. I’m still glad there was a cure. I think it was creative to use the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde theme, though.

Some people’s reviews complained that Marcus’s and Hanna’s relationship was abusive. It was but that happens in reality. A guy charms a girl, she falls in love with him, and he turns out to be a jerk. I have to admit I was rooting for him. He’s a very sexy bad boy that you want redeemed—not to mention the hot scenes with Marcus and Hanna! He did some nice things like saved Hanna’s life and arranged a cure for her monster—but he doesn’t get what he wants in the end; he paid for all his lies and evil deeds. I thought this was unique since many authors have the bad boy getting the girl in the end. I can see why people would get annoyed but they shouldn’t get annoyed from this story. Hanna recognized the abuse and fought it. She made mistakes. Do you really want characters to be flawless and make perfect decisions? Does everything have to be happily ever after? I thought these ideas were brilliant. Tara Brown really tricks you into thinking what Marcus felt was real and that his intentions were good.

The ending was tragic and beautifully written; I cried—Tara Brown at her best!