A review by melaniesreads
The Daves Next Door by Will Carver


There are certain things I’ve come to expect from Mr Carver. A richly detailed exploration of society and all its glorious foibles, unusual narration, the shades of grey that sit between good and evil and above all of those a bloody good read that takes my brain and shoves it in a mincer.

How can a premise so bizarre make so much sense? In the mind of Will Carver anything is possible. The questions posed are so out there yet also seem so important. If you could only see in shades of black and white what colour would you miss the most? Would the grass be greyer on the other side? Strange for a book that makes you see everything more clearly. So many topics were covered I half expected the do penguins have knees question to appear.

I seem to have digressed but that is exactly what reading this book does. It takes one train of thought then goes off in random directions. One minute you are sitting on a train with a suicide bomber wondering if he is God the next you are looking up a book that a commuter is reading and purchasing it. Then before you know it you are even asked a question about that, art referencing art. Christ is Will Carver psychic now?

As the train switches tracks between each character you can’t help but ask yourself where the final destination will be and who will get there with you? Is life like this book, just one very strange journey and the passengers we meet on the way?

Maybe it’s time for you to board the Will Carver train and see for yourself the world inside his head!