A review by spicedragon
Song of the Abyss by Makiia Lucier



Makiia Lucier switches up her fantasy formula and decides to throw us right into the action. We follow Reyna, 6 years after the events of the first book, and her adventures as a mapmaker. We’re thrown into a pirate attack from which Reyna barely escapes, and ends up in the port of the rival kingdom where she’s accosted by Captain Levi (who’s later revealed to be the Prince of that very kingdom).

Reyna makes it back home and we meet old characters like Mercedes and Elias in fleeting, and our understanding of the Del Marian universe is expanded to include the Lunesian kingdom and the isolated kingdom of Miramar. Levi and Reyna join forces to solve the mystery of the pirate attacks that leave ships empty and leave no trace of the inhabitants. The mystery is unravelled so expertly and like… Lucier really loves adding a dark twist to her stories!! I love how every character is used to the fullest, like no Reyna’s friend isn’t just there to be like “wow the prince likes you”, she has her own goals and her actions impact the story as equally as Reyna’s.

Lucier also once again weaves romance unbelievably well in to the plot, it isn’t at the forefront of the story but it isn’t forgotten either. I thoroughly enjoyed the final instalment in the Tower of Winds duology.

I docked a star because of personal issues I had, I don’t really enjoy age gaps where Person A is 17 and Person B is like 20… like yes Reyna would be 18 in 6 months (as she says herself) but it’s just like… weird to me… There was also something about how the characters talk about other kingdoms and people that hmmm like the in-world prejudice was just very odd but anyways!!!

I still recommend Lucier’s novels because her prose!! Her characters!! All very likeable