A review by jove64
The Broken Circle: A Memoir of Escaping Afghanistan by Enjeela Ahmadi-Miller


I really enjoyed this memoir a child refugee and the way that the experience of family separation, the journey out of the country, and eventual reunification have shaped her. The detail of the journey is particularly well told. It might have been a more compact and interesting story had the author chosen to end it with the arrival in New Delhi. I can see why she extended the timeline but the last part of the book loses momentum quite badly and doesn't seem to have any real narrative drive apart from filling in the blanks to how she got to America. The main part of the book more than makes up for the disappointing last section though.

The book nicely interweaves the story of a girl growing up and learning about her place in the world beyond her family with the story of overcoming hardship and learning to live without the privileges to which she was accustomed.