A review by randombookgrl
So Many Books, So Little Time: A Year of Passionate Reading by Sara Nelson


Oh, the joys of reading! And to write a book on doing just that? Well, this is what author Sara Nelson does in this charming tale that proves the truth of Robert Burns' quote, "The best laid schemes o'mice an men gang aft agley". The author sets out with a plan- a book a week for 52 weeks. She has her list, even, of what she will read. But as any true reader knows, reading doesn't quite work like that. How often does a reader pick up a book, start it, and set it down with, "that's not what I want right now"? Reading, oft-times like eating, depends on mood, timing, desire.
This book took me a bit to get through- a chapter here, a chapter there. But this is something the author herself would understand and approve of. Why? Because she gets it! Her description of the complications of choosing a book/s for travel is one of the most accurate things that I've ever read. And she gets that sometimes, there are books that you just can't finish, no matter how much you think you should.
This is a truly fun experience for readers, many of whom will (like myself) walk away from with a whole new list of "I have to read that"...because of course, our own lists aren't long enough!