A review by mrsgalvan23
Epilogue by CJ Roberts


The perfect ending to an incredible series! I LOVE that C.J. Roberts gave us this extra slice of Caleb and Livvie. This is an epilogue in every sense of the word. I feel like all the loose ends have been tied up, all my questions have been answered, and I now completely understand both Caleb and Livvie.

Caleb tried to stay away from Livvie, but he realized his life was empty without her. He is now trying his hardest to become a different person, a better man who deserves her. She becomes his whole world and it scares him. I loved seeing Caleb so vulnerable. Love literally changed everything about him. It made him a lovesick puppy who would do anything for the woman he loves.

Livvie isn't the same broken girl Caleb left. She is stronger and more sure of herself. She is also extremely afraid Caleb will leave her again so she has trouble completely opening up to him. She is also trying to come to terms with how she can be in love with Caleb and how she can still enjoy some of the things he did to her.

Their feelings and insecurities are completely reconciled by the end and I felt extremely satisfied.

It was so refreshing seeing them living a "normal" life. Especially Caleb who has literally never known anything else. Livvie introduces him to her friends and they become people he genuinely cares for. Through Livvie Caleb is also introduced to Playstation and celebrates his first real Thanksgiving, Christmas, and birthday. I laughed, I (almost) cried, and I fell in love with Caleb even more than I already was. I truly feel like they got their happily ever after. As happy of an ever after as two f'ed up people could get anyway.

My favorite quote from the book, though I had many, bc it sums up exactly why Caleb and Livvie are perfect for each other.: "Yeah, but I’m the second most fucked up person I know, and when you put two negatives together, you get a positive. That’s math, Caleb. Math is the language of the universe. You can’t argue with the universe."

5+ Stars!!