A review by readordievirgo
The Immortalists by Chloe Benjamin


Rating: 0.5 (personal rating scale at the end of review)

I did not enjoy the writing style or the characters or the scene setting. 0.5 only because the concept is cool - how would you live your life if you knew the date of your death. Rating this less than 1 because I could not finish it. I understand why many people might love it, I just found to be not up my alley at all.

Personal rating scale:
5: Amazing book, incredible, easily a favorite for me. Would revisit.
4: The book masterfully does exactly what it sets out to do. It’s not a forever favorite of mine, but it’s excellent.
3: It’s nice, I enjoyed reading it. Probably will forget about it tomorrow.
2: It’s alright. Probably wouldn’t mind reading it in the doctor’s waiting room.
1: Absolutely not for me.