A review by hainyh
If My Moon Was Your Sun [With Audio CD] by Andreas Steinhöfel


This is a sweet story about a young boy who 'kidnaps' his grandfather from a nursing home. This emphasises the loving and special relationship that children have with their grandparents, which I'm sure many will be able to relate to. There is a really good balance of text to illustrations, the illustrations drawn in such a way that they look like drawing that could have been done by children - clearly they have not been, but this adds to the relatability of the book. There is an audio CD to accompany the book, consisting of classical music as well as narration, so it is difficult to fully consider the merits of this book without that accompaniment. On the whole though, this is a lovely heart-warming tale for young readers. My only gripe is one of aesthetics, and that is the large chunks of white space at the bottom of the pages with just text, as this makes it look unfinished and as though they were short on words.