A review by yodamom
Always a Bridesmaid by Cindi Madsen


Violet is a mess. She’s receiving from a bad relationship, that she clung to bye the chest hairs till her man did something unforgivable. This shattered her world. She was a photographer, before the fall but has lost her mojo. She moves in with her half sister in a small town where she has been the object of speculation and judgement for many years. AS bad as it is she needs her family bond, while she recovers and figures out where to go from here. Her mother had and affair with a married man, her half sisters father. No she was not a welcome bundle of joy especially to his wife. So when she moves to this town she’s already not on steady ground, then it gets worse. She get flustered, distracted, and during her breakdown nearly destroys everything, till a sexy hunk of fireman shows up. Hubba Hubba :P Oh and he has puppies ! Oh yes he does !
This is a small town romance, sweet, cuddly puppies, nosy town folk, and baked goodies. It’s a wonderful summer poolside read.
I received a copy from the publisher for an honest review.