A review by franuary
The Cracks in the Kingdom by Jaclyn Moriarty


In The Cracks in the Kingdom, the follow up to 2013’s A Corner of White, Elliot Baranksi and Madeleine Tully intensify their study of a crack between The World and Cello in an effort to find the missing members of Cello’s royal family. Moriarty does an admirable job of summarizing the previous book for new readers, but without the full history of Madeleine and Elliot's worlds, Kingdom may not impress as a stand-alone title. For those who loved A Corner of White, however, Kingdom is a joy to read. Like its predecessor, Kingdom’s humor, quirk and charm are captivating to the right reader (and will leave others puzzled as to why some find it brilliant). This isn’t a crowd pleaser, but the series is sure to find an intensely devoted following in libraries serving teens. A delightful addition to an incredibly original young adult fantasy series, and by far the best thing I’ve read in 2014.

I received this book through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to Scholastic and to NetGalley for the advance copy!