A review by beckymmoe
Under Your Skin by Shannyn Schroeder


Though I wasn't always sold on the romance of this story (she's eight months pregnant at the beginning, and he's pretty much a jerk for a good 1/3 of the book at least), I loved the family aspect of it. Norah's returned home to her dad and four brothers, and though they can all be more than a little overbearing at times, I loved the back-and-forth between them all. I don't blame her at all for getting exasperated and aggravated with them all at times, but they were there for her when she needed them (eventually, at least) and that made them awesome.

Come to think of it, Kai's relationships with his mom and sister were pretty good too. He did have that in his favor--though he was kind of an a$$ to them too at times. He gets better, at least.

Ms. Schroeder definitely went a different direction with her heroine on this one--I wasn't too sure at first what to think of Norah, who's only got about a month left in her pregnancy before she finally 1) tells the baby's father or 2) actually makes a plan for what she's going to do about her situation. Talk about denial! I really respected Noarah's choice, though, and the way she stuck to it despite all the men she had getting in her face and trying to make her decide differently. She really did go with what would be best for the baby, and the fact that Kai was the only guy in her life that was behind that decision 100% definitely brought him up several notches in my estimation.

Fortunately, Norah and Kai's relationship grew from there, and Kai gradually became a lot less of a jerk in the process. By the end when he's managed to de-compartmentalize his life in an effort to make himself more worthy of Norah, I was in his corner 100%. I'll enjoy seeing the two of them together as Norah's brothers (except Jimmy, whose story--[b:Catch Your Breath|22343682|Catch Your Breath (The O'Learys, #4)|Shannyn Schroeder|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1401875029s/22343682.jpg|40656490]--was in another series and which I'm going to have read soon) get their own stories as the series continues.

Rating: 4 stars / B+

I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.