A review by alyxandriaang
The Painted Catch by Ronder Scott


Check out my full review here: http://thebooksbuzz.blogspot.com/

This book was just screaming my name!! Although I've never really read any psychological thrillers in the past, this book seemed to definitely intrigue me. This book is very reminiscent of the TV show Revenge, if you've ever watched it. You must, it's fantastic. Revenge is the ultimate key to success in life. No I'm just kidding, don't take my word on that. Anyways I was really excited when Sage's Blog Tours came to me with a review request of this particular book.

Let me mention for starters, it took me quite a while to get into this book. I honestly think it's just because of the reading slump I've been stuck in, but I've chosen to think otherwise. Once I finally got into the gist of the story, the characters and the plot, I was simply hooked. Ronder Scott is a riveting storyteller, who will for sure keep you on the edge of your seat. Some aspects I enjoyed: the way the author thought about what she was going to write before actually writing it down. This is actually important because I enjoyed how the schemes and so-called "revenge plots" were thoroughly developed. I could tell that Miss. Scott had put quite the effort in her story, and I'm more than ecstatic to be promoting it.

Umm.. what else?? I'm sorry. I'm like writing this review after I've finished the book. I don't normally do that but in this case, I was using an ebook. I didn't have much to work with. Other than that there were an intricate bunch of characters. The characters had a lot of substance and backgrounds. it's something I highly look for in a good thriller. Tayyip Nafisi (good boy gone bad). I totally loved sitting down to this character. Just reading about how he interacted, how he thought. It was something I wish I could experience over and over again- being in the brains of a genius, or shall I say evil mastermind.