A review by sammystarbuck
Shadow of a Dark Queen by Raymond E. Feist


Unlike the Riftwar books, I'd only gone adventuring with Erik and Roo once before, about 20 years ago. Despite that, I remembered everything quite clearly, except for the fact that while the story is enjoyable, the pacing is terribly uneven in this one. Not that that it all that unusual for Feist - the otherwise fantastic [b:Magician|43916|Magician (The Riftwar Saga, #1-2)|Raymond E. Feist|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1391464462l/43916._SY75_.jpg|2960376] also sags a bit in the middle - but it was enough to make this a lot less fun to read than most of his other books.