A review by alexatthelake
Adelaide by Genevieve Wheeler


I went into this book totally blind, having absolutely no idea what was in store for me when I started. Typically, I will read books without checking out the synopsis, but I usually have somewhat of an idea of what's to come, but with this book I simply took @jamie.bookworm's suggestion and ran with it. She, as usual, did not disappoint.

I listened to the audio, and I do recommend that route. This book is full of triggers, but it definitely made it feel more raw, real and relatable. All of the triggers were handled with accuracy and grace. I loved Adelaide and how honest she was. I loved the group of friends she had and how they were always there for her.

Please be gentle with yourself if you do read this book, and take the time to reflect on the emotions that you're sure to feel as you go. It's raw, but in such a beautiful way.