A review by evila_elf
A Tail of Camelot by Julie Leung


Torn between 3 and 4 stars.

Firstly, whoever decided to make the pages have deckle/uneven edges, I hate you. I had a hard time sometimes turning the pages, which was annoying during the many tense scenes when I needed to get to that next page quickly!

I definitely saw the influence of The Redwall series while reading this book. At first, it seemed intended for very very young readers, much younger than Redwall's. But then, as the battles intensified, things took a surprisingly dark turn. Redwall gave me my love of reading, and love of reading about mouse heroes, and it was actually the reason why I picked this book up. So it was a nice surprise to see the influences scattered around.

This book takes quite a different turn than we begin with, with a competition that Calib mouse is afraid to participate in. I am actually a little disappointed that there was no conclusion to the tournament, though that would probably add to the cheese factor of the ending (pun not intended).

I think perhaps it might have been better told just from Calib's POV, instead of going along with the two-leggers.

And to find there are more in this series! I might have to take a peek at them. I did enjoy this book.