A review by michinio
ოდისეა by Homer


Definitely not bad for VIII century BC. I'd say [b:The Odyssey|1381|The Odyssey|Homer|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1390173285s/1381.jpg|3356006] totally deserves all the glory it gained ! and I will definitely read [b:The Iliad|1371|The Iliad|Homer|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1388188509s/1371.jpg|3293141], though now I see Odyssey probably should have bean read second.

... and I loved this archaic prosaic Georgian translation!

...... and [b:The Iliad|1371|The Iliad|Homer|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1388188509s/1371.jpg|3293141] is the definite next one, as soon as I identify which is the most proper translation for me :)