A review by abigailkayharris
Lethal Intent by Cara C. Putman


The first half of Lethal Intent had me nearly going crazy with wanting to throw the book out my window. Why?

Because this dear book was dull, boring, and very tortuous for the first 118 pages, there was way too much information, the details often went over my head because I haven’t researched or know anything about the cancers they discussed or the things they were doing to help the patients. Which for a thriller is not a good sign.

I won’t even start on the fact that one single mention of the Covid-19 pandemic being in the past nearly earned this book a one way ticket to the burn pit, nope, not going into that …

Now, after all that you may wonder that I gave 4 stars and that I finished the book since I was so against it … the reasons are many, really …

1. Cara Putman is a spectacular author whose romantic suspense novels are some of my favorite.
2. I read another of her books and didn’t like the beginning but loved the ending.
3. I wasn’t ready for a highly looked forward to book to not be what I wanted.
4. I don’t like giving up.
5. I loved the cover …
6. Foster kids.

I am a sucker for foster kids in stories, and man, oh, man! I loved seeing Brandon with his kids! I just loved the glimpses into that side of the story, I had to hold out to see what happened with his kids.

Am I glad I did? Yes!
Do I recommend Lethal Intent? Yes!
Am I missing something … ? Yes …

Past the 118th (or some page about there) I fell in love with the story, I can’t say I connected with Caroline as I found her very naive but I understood her more and didn’t dislike her.

The ending?! Well, I found it nearly made up for the bad beginning but not quite, so, this is a good book. Had the first half been anywhere near as good as the ending it would have been a wonderful book, alas it was not quite so.

If you are a fan of suspense pick yourself up a copy and you’ll find the ending to be spectacular and you’re likely to like the first half more than I did.