A review by too_hot_books_to_handle
Uprooted by Naomi Novik

Did not finish book.
Author: Naomi Novik

Unpopular book opinion:

I was really excited to read this book after discovering the hype. Therefore i really tried to get into it. After months of trying to finally finish reading this book i DNF it today. Which i rarely do because i always try to look for any bright points but i really couldn't find any.

The main problem i had with this book was the zero character development and the boringness. Nothing changed there was no sign of any action and the dragon was insulting the main female character the whole time. Till a point where it got a bit to much. I'm not a big fan of any forms of violence/assault
in storylines and especially not in the (young adult) genre.

If that wasn't enough already then suddenly Anieszka starts to get feelings for her assaulter, to me that's just sick. The romance was unexpected , but not in a good way. How is it even possible to create a romance based on assault?

I normally don't face any difficulties to follow a storyline but I really don't have any idea what this book was about except the continuing verbal and physical abuse.

This novel was a big no for me.

The abusing quotes:

"What an unequaled gift for disaster you have"

" I was a glaring blot on the perfection. But i didn't care: I didn't feel I owed him beauty."

"Listen you impossible creature," he said, "I'm a century and more older than--"
"Oh, be quiet," I said impatiently"

"I would tear the truth out of your throat" His fingers where resting on my neck, his leg was on the bed between mine"