A review by real__jmt
The Crimson Moth by Kristen Ciccarelli


4.8/5 ⭐ - Intriguing Cat & Mouse, enemies to lovers with some heists thrown in. I cannot tell you how much I love reading novels with witches (among other fantastical creatures and beings) and this really did witches so well. Multi-POV done well, although sometimes did feel like I reread the same passage in two voices where it wasn't wholly necessary.

I was enamored with [a:Kristen Ciccarelli|15428577|Kristen Ciccarelli|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1668517134p2/15428577.jpg]'s loving treatment of her characters and building up the conflict between normal humans and witches. The world building was subtle, but straight to the point, which made the pacing of this flow very well.

There is a love triangle, which while I do not hate, I am not a big fan of. It tends to be something that can take away from the story, but the resolution to it made me gasp. There are twists and turns, and the two main characters Rune and Gideon trying to battle their obvious attraction to one another. I am a sucker for bantery couples, and I was able to get that.

I do want to say that the twist at the end wasn't super surprising to me (regarding a certain witch), but I liked that there was still some shock into how it was unfolding throughout the second half of the book.

I will warn that if there are people squeamish when it comes to depictions of blood and mutilation, there is some in there. It isn't too gorey, but enough to definitely make someone's stomach churn.

The only reason this was not a full 5 star for me is Rune's inability to do things on her own. It felt like she relied too much on other people to do the work of the Crimson Moth. I find it so sweet that Verity and Alex are assisting her, but it becomes clear that her guilt was only used against her to push someone else's agenda (hint hint wink wink).

I can't wait for the next book, but I definitely could take some time to recover from that ending. (My eyes are still watering)