A review by justiceofkalr
Sensation Comics featuring Wonder Woman, Volume 3 by Adam Beechen, Adam Beechen, Josh Elder, Barbara Randall Kesel


This is by far the weakest collection of the three. I really considered giving it two stars. There're not really any stand-out stories here. There are a couple not bad ones, but there's also a couple just plain crap ones. So to separate the crappy from the okay, here are my short thoughts on each:

Vendetta: Overall fun. Wonder Woman and Ares fighting over a war-torn country.
Return to Gaia: Probably my favorite of the volume. Wonder Woman and Poison Ivy team up.
A Moment of Peace: Some nice interaction between Batman and Wonder Woman, but mostly pretty meh because it's way too short.
Besties: Complete and utter crap. I wish I could forget reading this.
Nine Days: Kind of confusing with Strife and Eris and Nyx, but not too bad by the end.
Both Ends of the Leash: Some asshole and his pet lion. This one was pretty bad.
Our Little Dance: Cheetah gets transferred to a lower security prison. Things go as expected Pretty nice overall.
Echidna: Uh, this art is a little off-putting in places and the story kind of hops around randomly. Wonder Woman's face on the first page might give me nightmares.
A Day in Our Lives: Superman and Wonder Woman. More art I'm not thrilled about. Also never really like Superman that much he makes me want to constantly roll my eyes.
Island of Lost Souls: Cheetah and Wonder Woman meet the Island of Doctor Moreau. Okay-ish. Less okay-ish when the dog got shot.