A review by jlreadstoperpetuity
The Maiden & The Unseen by Jeanette Rose, Alexis Rune


I love a retelling story especially spin offs regarding Hades and Persephone. Even on the original Greek Myth, they are the ppwer couple with the least amount of scandals and has really exuded monogamy - not the usual trend among gods and goddesses. That being said I was so excited to read this one.

Unlike the other retelling stories, this combined the modern and traditional magical powers that both deities possesed. There was also the involvement Fates on the plot making it really promising. If we are to base assessment on the technical components of a novel (setting, characterization and plot) this could have been wrapped up in less than 150pages, instead of 431 pages.

I love a good smut, there's an art put by the author in writing a good smut. This one however, relied on repetitive and to the point of frustrating descriptives that I literally had to skip the "deed" scenes. Like yeah, I get it you are h*rny for each other, next. Apart from that, the sequel seems to promise the actual meat of the series so yeah, I am still looking forward to it.