A review by beckyrendon
Accidental Man Whore by Katherine Stevens


The brand of crazy that comes out of this author's mind worries me. Like actually concerns me for things like her conversations at dinner, her restaurant etiquette, and the safety of any offspring she might have. Katherine Stevens took a childhood icon and gave e him nerves and awesome t-shirts. I'm not even sure how to react except that now, the real Mr. T makes me think of hers.

Accidental Man Whore is absolutely ridiculous but somehow still works. I wouldn't bend over for...okay maybe I would. Generally speaking, I piercer a few more IQ points but Ben has an innocence that seems to carry him along. His thoughts and comments will have you shaking your head but reading faster to see how it works.

This book is ridiculous and honestly...a lot of fun. Worth the head shaking stupidity that just oozes from Ben's mouth. Believe me, even if I quoted it, you wouldn't believe it. Read it.

Oh and where can I get Mr. T's shirts?

reviewed for Naughty Book Blog