A review by karleah_may
Heir by Tate James


2.5* In terms of the writing this was probably the best of the series, but it still wasn't great. Ry/Calla/Zafrina (had way too many names for one thing) was just not a very likable character to be honest. She just didn't have anything going for her. She just had the Queen thing handed to her and didn't really fight for anything, and she was definitely too stupid and shallow and selfish to be a good queen anyway, she just happened to have magic.
Apart from that, I was so annoyed at the non-ending this had. I could tell early on the direction this was going with the Princes and I just didn't like it. I know the whole series takes place in 3 weeks, which is annoying in itself, but I still think she needed to choose someone.
For a while there I thought she was going to choose Lee, because when they finally got together she described it as a missing piece falling into place and it was more romantic than anything she had with the other 2, and I thought she was realising the difference between love and lust, but no. She just decided she had 3 missing pieces and they ALL fit together.
Maybe that ending would have seemed better for me if the Princes had had more depth and character development, I guess I was just team Lee the whole time, but Ty and Zan were literally just walking sex machines to her, there was nothing else between her and either of them except sex, and in this book especially they could have been the same person.
It was also really unfair of her to expect them all to be ok with it, especially when Zan at least was very reluctant to do so, and when she was SO jealous if anyone else even looked at any of them. If she wouldn't be ok with it the other way why should she ask it of them?
It was also super unrealistic that 3 brothers would be ok with sharing a lover with each other. By the end they were so chill and walking into the room with her in bed with another one of them and just having a chat, I just found the whole dynamic weird.
Apart from that, the whole plot basically vanished in this book to make room for the 3 romances progressing. It was a pretty short book, so it was basically just her hopping from dick to dick and then becoming queen.
To be fair, I went into this wanting a trashy, entertaining read, and that's what I got. I probably won't read her other work because a lot of reviews said this series was her best work so I don't want to know what constitutes something less good to be completely honest.
It was engaging enough that I saw it though all three books, so I guess it wasn't entirely awful, just ridiculous.