A review by whendevreads
The Book of Azrael by Amber V. Nicole


I received a copy of the Book of Azrael from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

This one unfortunately fell victim to the DNF. I just could not get into it. The book sounded interesting, which is why I wanted to read it, but I just do not think it was executed well. There is a lot of world building in this, like any fantasy novel, but a lot of it wasn’t explained enough. I don’t really understand the difference between the ancient gods and the celestials, I don’t understand what this big fight between the two sides is over, and I don’t understand the whole “world ender” idea. As well, there’s a lot of other mythology in the book that feels misrepresented, from the banshees to the vampires.

As well, I did not care for Dianna. I was super interested in the idea of a morally gray female villain, as those aren’t very common. However, she lacked depth as a character. Her main strengths were that she knew how to fight and was sarcastic/snarky. We heard a lot about how she had sacrificed everything to save her sister, I just didn’t feel that anguish in the book. She seemed very flat to me.

Because of these reasons, I just couldn’t force myself to continue reading the book. If I’m not immediately sucked in then I have a very tough time connecting to the characters or the storyline, which is what happened here. I have heard that this book is getting a series, so it will be interesting to see people’s reactions to the rest of the books.