A review by godlizza
Fake It by Lily Seabrooke


A deeply ok book. I would've liked to see Avery and Holly developed outside of their relationship with each other. We never got to really see Avery's day to day life running a restaurant or Holly's job on TV. It would've been nice to see their characters built up individually as well as in their relationship. The whole fake dating aspect also seemed redundant as they fall for each other almost immediately. Another random thing that annoyed me was that every time they mention the villain of the book they have to call him by his full name. The first few times I get it but it would happen every time and im like!! I got it!!

I originally picked this book up because I wanted to read an f/f book where one of the women was trans and if that's what you're looking for, read this. It definitely wasn't bad it just wasn't that good either.