A review by nday
Lady Be Bad: A Duke's Daughters Novel by Megan Frampton


The first book in the Dukes’ Daughters series, and I was excited to dive into this one after how much I enjoyed the Duke’s Behaving Badly series.

Where in the Dukes Behaving Badly series the heroes had the little modern twist to their characters, I felt like that was flipped in this series where the heroines had more of that bit of modern thinking to their characters where they want more equality in their relationships with their partners.

As always, this was a delightful slow burn romance filled with all sorts of problems to overcome, and I enjoyed it a lot. Alexander was a lot of fun, and I thought Eleanor a really good match for him. One of things I particularly enjoyed about this was wanting to see how they all got themselves out of the mess they were in, because it wasn’t obvious, and I appreciated that a lot as a reader.

Great read, really looking forward to the rest of the series.