A review by araskov
Two Dead Wives by Adele Parks


"Two Dead Wives" by Adele Parks is a literary tour de force that seamlessly weaves together a tapestry of suspense, family drama, and unexpected connections. Parks masterfully constructs a narrative that pulls you into the lives of its characters, leaving you emotionally entangled in their joys, struggles, and the enigma of their intertwined destinies.

At the heart of the story is an overprotective father, Kenneth, who has lived a reclusive life until his daughter Stacie returns from Paris, in need of life-altering surgery. The peculiar dynamic between father and daughter adds a layer of complexity to the tale, hinting at underlying secrets and unresolved issues.

Simultaneously, the narrative unfolds against the backdrop of a scandalous murder case involving bigamist Kylie Gillingham. The aftermath of her death leaves her husbands, son, and best friend grappling with a tumultuous mix of emotions — grief, fear, and even an unexpected triumph. The intricate exploration of these characters' lives creates a rich narrative tapestry that keeps readers eagerly turning pages.

As the story progresses, Parks introduces twists and betrayals that defy expectations, making the reader question how the intricate puzzle pieces will come together. The author skillfully balances suspense with character development, allowing readers to become deeply invested in the well-being and fates of each character. While some secrets may be revealed early on, the suspense that builds beyond these points is deep.

One standout aspect is the portrayal of Mark, Oli, and Seb's father. His seemingly incompetent and absent role as a parent adds a layer of mystery to the narrative, leaving readers to ponder his significance in the unfolding drama. The exploration of family dynamics, coupled with the overarching theme of tragedy, makes "Two Dead Wives" not just a crime novel but a poignant examination of the resilience of families in the face of adversity.

Adele Parks' writing is a revelation, seamlessly blending the complexities of human relationships with a gripping and unpredictable plot. "Two Dead Wives" is a compelling and thought-provoking read that captivates from the first page to the last, leaving readers eagerly anticipating the resolution of the intricate mysteries that permeate its pages, with an ending that leaves readers satisfied.