A review by mobats
Monster in My Closet by R.L. Naquin


The story follows Zoey, a wedding planner with somewhat questionable taste in clothing, as she is plunged into the world of the hidden. She discovers she is an empath when she crosses path with an incubus. With the aide of Andrew (local herbalist), Maurice (a closet monster) and a few other interesting characters she must defeat the incubus and some how still lead a normal life.

Overall I personally found the book cute and funny at times. There were a few stumbling blocks with transition from one section to another, but it can be easily over looked. The characters are cute and endearing but with as much as I read sound like a ton of the other characters I have read books about. The most original in the lot would have to be Maurice. I would read this book again on a rainy afternoon as just something cozy and fun to do.