A review by aceinit
Batman Vol. 7: The Wedding by Tom King


Read as single issues. Spoilery stuff to follow.

Okay. So. Everyone obviously has their opinions about Issue 50 (and it being spoiled in advance). And, yeah, I have my opinions, too, and most of them aren't favorable. But, honestly, I really don't see how people didn't *know* that the wedding wouldn't happen. It's comics. They're not particularly known for happily ever after.

Now, that being said, I would have really, really liked to have seen a plot device other than "Selina chooses to leave Bruce at the altar (rooftop) to further his man-pain." Because, let's face it, that's what happened here. And after all the lead-up with the Joker in the preceding issues and the Preludes to the Wedding events, I would have loved to see that storyline play out other than how it did. The lead-up issues with Joker trying to insert himself into the wedding were some top-notch storytelling. To have it abandoned so abruptly without actually playing into the big day was a huge disappointment.

Were there some phenomenal moments with Batman and the Joker? Yes. And, ultimately, the book gets 4 stars from me for the scene where the Joker asks Batman to pray with him in the church. I had to stop and screenshot those pages and send them to friends with a "LOOK AT THIS OMG!"

(And, to a lesser extent, the fourth star is also for Superman, Nightwing and Batman "cosplaying" themselves at the Batman-themed burger joint.)

I'm disappointed with how the volume turned out, and would have loved to been wrong about my fears that the wedding wouldn't happen, but there's still some pretty solid stuff here, and it's one of my more-liked volumes from King's Batman.