A review by flamepea
A Feast for Crows by George R.R. Martin


This book was definitely not what I expected after finishing the third book on such a high note. You would think it would’ve been full of action after all the cliffhangers and many characters finally rising up. No, unfortunately, it took a quite disappointing turn. Other than the obvious absence of major characters- Tyrion, Jon & Daenerys were replaced by irrelevant characters that only had one chapter. This book actually had the potential to still be great with Arya, Sansa, Jaime, Brienne, Cersei and Asha. They’re all well-written characters but the majority of the time was wasted.
Why the hell did we need so many Greyjoy chapters? Which could’ve simply been replaced with Asha to witness the events instead of ramblings from a crazy old man? It was interesting to get insight on Dornish culture and politics, however, once again seemed pretty irrelevant.

I am going to hope as GRRM claims that A Dance of Dragons will make up for it and will have the action that we all desire.