A review by em_thebookish_girl
Filthy by Serena Akeroyd


Filthy is an age gap romance and book #1 in the Five Points' Mob series. The Oath duet introduced me to Serena Akeroyd's work! I'm glad that I've discovered such an amazing author!! Filthy is Finn and Aoife's book, they made an appearance in The Oath duet. After reading this duet, I just knew that I had to read this series ASAP!! Especially, when I heard that Serena Akeroyd was going to release book #6 in this series "Filthy Secrets". Basically the storyline of this whole series revolves around "The Five Points", an Irish mob/gang. I read mafia romances in general, however, I haven't read many Irish mob/mafia books or more like I haven't come across them. This is one of the main reasons that I wanted to read this series. 

In this book, we see Finn O’Grady's story who's a part of The Five Points mob. And our heroine, Aoife is sweet and innocent, yet a fiery character. My goodness! What did I just read?! Their relationship definitely started off with a big bang! It's a fast paced, action packed and steamy intense read. And don't get me started on the plot twists!! Even though some of his actions can be seen as wrong, (namely towards Aoife when they first met) I really enjoyed reading Finn's perspective. Especially, seeing how he changed in Aoife's presence. His interactions with Aofie were absolutely amazing! Aoife has certain insecurities about herself, namely her body image. But with Finn's her she slowly gained her confidence. They may barely know each other, but Aoife and Finn created a strong connection.  Yes, there's an already dormant electrifying chemistry between them but it's more than that. They are surprised, how is it possible for them to feel this strongly for one another so quickly. Finn is your typical alpha male, he's possessive and protective over Aoife. I loved seeing Aoife's fiery stubborn side and Finn's vulnerability. And I was so happy to see Jen making an appearance! I didn't realize it was her until I reached towards the end of the book! Overall, it's a great start to this series!!

I don't want to give too many spoilers away, but basically, Aoife owns a business in "Hell's Kitchen", New York, and Finn wants her lot/building. But Aoife is not interested in selling. After rejecting offer after offer, this comes to Finn's attention. He's curious about the stubborn red-haired woman who isn't easily persuaded into selling. She's unaware that Finn is watching her; wanting, desiring her from afar. And now Aoife is in a complicated situation; her life is about to be turned upside down. Because Finn found out that Aoife is hiding a secret. A secret that she wants to keep hidden.

**I received a gifted ARC copy in exchange for my honest review