A review by sempiternal_books
The Wicked Deep by Shea Ernshaw


“Love is an enchantress—devious and wild. It sneaks up behind you, soft and gentle and quiet, just before it slits your throat.” - The Wicked Deep, Shea Ernshaw

The Wicked Deep was so immersive and atmospheric. The town of Sparrow was eerie and mysterious, which really contributed to the feel of the book. The writing was mesmeric and alluring. I was just entranced by the story of the Swan sisters.

The characters and romance, however, could have been better. All the people felt dull and predictable. And the romance didn’t really have that swoon-worthy aspect that makes you root for them.

But the mystery about the Swan sisters was what kept me reading, it was just so witchy and unearthly. I couldn’t stop reading until I found out everything that happened to them. I almost wish there was more to learn about sisters.

Overall The Wicked Deep was a dark and atmospheric read. If you enjoy a truly deeply engaging witchy book this one if for you.