A review by lauroberge
Hearts, Fingers, and Other Things to Cross by Katie Finn


As the last book in a YA series, I think that this book was good, but not exceptional.

As childish as they can be, I liked reuniting with the characters, which are all funny and interesting. I think that some of them finally grew up, which was a bit of a relief, because the previous book, as well as the first half of this one, made me roll my eyes in exasperation at some things that the characters were doing or saying. It was nice to see them grow up as the series progressed.

I'm really happy that this book has a resolution for most of the issues encountered during the previous books. Overall, I don't feel like anything new happened; instead, I feel like everything I was more or less expecting happened, which was not a bad feeling. Some people made peace, some confessions were said and some relationships started or ended, but there wasn't any big finale, which was a bit disappointing, but not surprising, considering everything that needed to happen in such a short amount of pages. It wasn't too predictable, but I feel like it would be even better for younger readers.

I'm satisfied with the end of this series, so I'd definitely recommend it to younger (or even older) readers.